In a Santa Suit, Ichika Nakano (5HY/W83-E076S SR) [The Quintessential Quintuplets]

Title: Near Mint
Sale price$6.25
Sold out


Release Date: 2021-11-19
Set Name: The Quintessential Quintuplets
Card Number: 5HY/W83-E076S SR
Rarity: Super Rare
Card Type: Character
Color: Red
Level: 3
Cost: 2
Soul: 2
Traits: Quintuplets,Stylish
Power: 9500
Trigger: Soul
[AUTO] When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, reveal the top card of your deck. If that card is a "Quintuplets" character, you may deal 1 damage to your opponent. (Damage may be canceled. Return the revealed card to its original place) [AUTO] When this card attacks, if you have 4 or more other "Quintuplets" characters, choose 1 of your characters, and that character gets +2500 power and +1 soul until end of turn.

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